Day 12 was a slow day for photos. There wasn't much that was 'intriguing' to me, and with my wife in the car, I didn't drive for the number of hours and miles I did previously. Also, with the northeast being more congested with slower speed limits, my trip was going to drag on slower.
I took I-90 past Buffalo and on to Albany. Along the way, we stopped for a late lunch in Utica.
Reaching Albany, we decided to head through Vermont, rather than drive to Massachusetts, and have to make a side trip for Vermont.
I took I-87 north to NY7. I then took that east, past where it's no longer a fourlane, and up through to Vermont.
Taking NY279 into Vermont, we then got on US7, which is a Super 2 highway. Once we got past Manchester Center, it was back to a normal two-lane. We continued that north to Rutland where we got on US4.
This was a longer part of our drive as we headed through a much less straight section of highway.
It was already getting late when we got into New Hampshire.
On I-89, we headed south to Concord, a place we had just been a month earlier when coming home from Montreal after New Years'.
Still driving, we took I-93 south and got on NH101.
At just before 2am, we were on I-95, the Blue Star Turnpike heading north into Maine.
We stopped in York, ME at a Econolodge for the night and ended the day's drive at 2:30 in the morning.
Day 13
Day 12
Started...1125E....145,913...from Red Roof Inn, Dunkirk, NY
Ended...0230E....146, EconoLodge, York, ME
283mi on 9.205g for $21.44
163mi on 5.857g for $13.35
625 miles in 13h05m, or 41.4mph for the day.
Total cost for the day was $189.32, of which $34.79 was gas. We also spent $10 on tolls, and $53.45 for the hotel the night before.
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