2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)

2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)

Being at home for the week, I had a few options for games. But I wasn’t 100% sure what days I could be around. After one round of the Chuck Funke Bowl, I was back in New York on Thursday for the last of the Chuck Funke Bowl games.

There were a couple of options. Iroquois was hosting West Seneca East while McKinley was hosting Kenmore West at All-High Stadium. And though I hadn’t seen Kenmore West before, I had been to All-High and didn’t feel like driving into Buffalo for a game. And I had gone a while without seeing Southwestern.

Southwestern was playing Akron at Akron in the Class C Chuck Funke Bowl. Continue reading “2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)”

2024 Week 3 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)

2024 Week 3 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)

I had very different plans for this week at the start of the season. Originally, this was another travel week. Planning a Friday night game in Eastern PA with a doubleheader in Waverly, New York. However, my Friday night plans changed and adjusted my Saturday schedule to accommodate it. Which was, partially, my original Saturday night choice. Continue reading “2024 Week 3 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)”

2023 Week 16 (Pennsylvania)

2023 Week 16 (Pennsylvania)

Week sixteen was another trip to the Pennsylvania state finals. For the second year, they were being held in Mechanicsburg on the west side of the state capital, Harrisburg.

Cumberland Valley High School’s Chapman Field was the host. And though it feels like the stadium lacks the gravitas of some other state finals, it’s more than adequate for the crowds Pennsylvania gets when their games are on quasi-free television via PCN across the state. Continue reading “2023 Week 16 (Pennsylvania)”

2023 Week 15 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)

2023 Week 15 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)

Week 15 started with some turmoil. One, there was an issue with my credential request for the Ohio state finals. Which eventually got worked out. And secondly, I had to find a new camera. I wanted to get another t8i, but it looked like none were available. And with the swithcover to mirrorless, finding an older DSLR was a priority. As I did not want to use an adapter for my lenses on a mirrorless.
Continue reading “2023 Week 15 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)”

2023 Week 10 (Tri-State)

2023 Week 10 (Tri-State)

Week 10 started on a somber note. And I hadn’t really planned to do anything on Tuesday. However, there was a rare game scheduled in West Virginia. And with everything going on, I just wanted to get away.

So, on Tuesday afternoon, I headed east on US422 to I-79. And took that through Washington toward Waynesburg. Passing by West Greene High School on my way along the southern reaches of PA18 into the Mountaineer State. Continue reading “2023 Week 10 (Tri-State)”