2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)

2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)

Being at home for the week, I had a few options for games. But I wasn’t 100% sure what days I could be around. After one round of the Chuck Funke Bowl, I was back in New York on Thursday for the last of the Chuck Funke Bowl games.

There were a couple of options. Iroquois was hosting West Seneca East while McKinley was hosting Kenmore West at All-High Stadium. And though I hadn’t seen Kenmore West before, I had been to All-High and didn’t feel like driving into Buffalo for a game. And I had gone a while without seeing Southwestern.

Southwestern was playing Akron at Akron in the Class C Chuck Funke Bowl. Continue reading “2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)”

2024 Week 6 (Montana)

2024 Week 6 (Montana)

For a second straight weekend, I was in the great state of Montana. Central Montana to be precise. Seeing new places, I was running out of options. My Saturday was determined by the lone afternoon game anywhere west of the North Dakota state line. Though Wibaux, Savage, Richey/Lambert and Froid/Medicine Lake all had games.
Continue reading “2024 Week 6 (Montana)”

2024 Week 3 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)

2024 Week 3 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)

I had very different plans for this week at the start of the season. Originally, this was another travel week. Planning a Friday night game in Eastern PA with a doubleheader in Waverly, New York. However, my Friday night plans changed and adjusted my Saturday schedule to accommodate it. Which was, partially, my original Saturday night choice. Continue reading “2024 Week 3 (Ohio & Pennsylvania)”

2024 Week 1 (Tennessee & Kentucky)

2024 Week 1 (Tennessee & Kentucky)

After a long weekend in Georgia this week was half the games in Tennessee and Kentucky. Years ago, I saw Anderson County play at Carter on a Rivalry Thursday game. And this year, they opened the season at home. I had been by their field before. Located northeast of Clinton, I had been off the exit from I-75 many times before. Including going to a game at Clinton. So, it made sense to head down for their Thursday opener.
Continue reading “2024 Week 1 (Tennessee & Kentucky)”

2023 Week 17 (Texas)

2023 Week 17 (Texas)

My 2023 season ended in Texas as it has done quite a few times in the past. The first, though, since the fall 2021 season. In 2022, I passed on Texas in exchange for two games on Saturday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A mix of work and pleasure. However, for Texas it was a fun drive down to Arlington, Texas. Continue reading “2023 Week 17 (Texas)”

2023 Week 16 (Pennsylvania)

2023 Week 16 (Pennsylvania)

Week sixteen was another trip to the Pennsylvania state finals. For the second year, they were being held in Mechanicsburg on the west side of the state capital, Harrisburg.

Cumberland Valley High School’s Chapman Field was the host. And though it feels like the stadium lacks the gravitas of some other state finals, it’s more than adequate for the crowds Pennsylvania gets when their games are on quasi-free television via PCN across the state. Continue reading “2023 Week 16 (Pennsylvania)”