2022 Year In Review

2022 Year In Review

After the last two years, it’s hard to say that a season was unusual. 2020 had so many twists and turns. Including spring games until June in New York City. Last year, there was some turbulence with scheduling. And I hurt my back after my trip to Arizona and things went downhill as the season went on.

This year, I was mostly healthy. Though getting older is not without its pitfalls. And things seemed to go on as planned. But my entire year had been affected by things including the economy and personal matters. I usually have a rather open personal life in the fall for football. And just work a bit more in the first eight months of the year. 2022 wasn’t that year. Continue reading “2022 Year In Review”

2022 Week 9 (Arizona & New Mexico)

2022 Week 9 (Arizona & New Mexico)

I knew early on I’d be in Arizona for Thursday and Friday this week. So, my biggest issue was finding a Saturday game. Suburban Phoenix had enough in the way of Thursday games and the obvious Friday night contests to choose from. Saturday, though? Not so much. I had thought that Lordsburg, New Mexico had a game on Saturday. It was actually for Thursday. So, I went over things and saw Las Cruces would have games on Friday night and Saturday night. Continue reading “2022 Week 9 (Arizona & New Mexico)”

2022 Week 4 (New Mexico)

2022 Week 4 (New Mexico)

I was going to be in Texas this weekend. The oil patch was calling me. Friday morning, I was going to be halfway between Kermit and Mentone. Mentone is in Loving County, the least populated county in the country. The oil boom hasn’t necessarily changed that ranking yet, but the growth west of Kermit along route 302 is impressive. The road is being four-laned west of Kermit to handle all the oil and construction traffic. Thursday, though, left me with some options. And though Texas options were available, I decided to stick to New Mexico. Continue reading “2022 Week 4 (New Mexico)”

2021 Year In Review

2021 Year In Review

After an unimaginable 2020 season, this year was a bit more relaxed. Though rushed. With the previous season ending in June, there was little downtime before the 2021 season started. This affected my usual summer plans, as well as made the financial planning a bit more precarious. I wasn’t sure, in the summer, just how much I would or could do. But, I was intent on doing as much as possible. And though a lot was ‘old’, there was a lot of ‘new’ thrown in. Including my month long trip around the middle of the country. Continue reading “2021 Year In Review”

2021 Week 9 (Southwest)

2021 Week 9 (Southwest)

So, I’m catching up on these now. Unfortunately, I’ve had some issues, personally, that have kept me from doing much of anything after this weekend of games. And though I did manage a few more games in Week 10, it was not without some issues. So, I mostly stuck to live updating and photographs. And haven’t gotten much onto PA Football News.

I’m not happy about it, either. For one, I have a bad back. And I managed to hurt it before heading to El Paso for the week. And then, to make it worse, Sunday after returning from El Paso, I really wrenched my back pretty good. So, I was out of commission for most of the week. But managed to be ambulatory at some point.

So, this will be a quick recap of my trip. And I promise to get a better documentation on PA Football News about the marquee game I attended. At one of the most unique places I’ve ever seen a game. Continue reading “2021 Week 9 (Southwest)”