2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)

2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)

Being at home for the week, I had a few options for games. But I wasn’t 100% sure what days I could be around. After one round of the Chuck Funke Bowl, I was back in New York on Thursday for the last of the Chuck Funke Bowl games.

There were a couple of options. Iroquois was hosting West Seneca East while McKinley was hosting Kenmore West at All-High Stadium. And though I hadn’t seen Kenmore West before, I had been to All-High and didn’t feel like driving into Buffalo for a game. And I had gone a while without seeing Southwestern.

Southwestern was playing Akron at Akron in the Class C Chuck Funke Bowl. Continue reading “2024 Week 12 (New York & Pennsylvania)”

2022 Week 6 (Tri-State)

2022 Week 6 (Tri-State)

So, I finally got home from my three week sojourn. Last week, I was in South Dakota for three games in my semi-regular stomping ground of Aberdeen. A town I’ve previously seen summer league baseball games. But, being home meant finding games for this weekend. I had an idea and then my Saturday opened up with one game in a place I’ve wanted to see for a while. But, with games in the Tri-State, I was all over the map. Continue reading “2022 Week 6 (Tri-State)”

2020 Week S10 (New York)

2020 Week S10 (New York)

The 2020 seasons is finally winding down to a close. The penultimate week went through without an issue. Despite some other covid-related pauses in Section 6 in New York. The Section 6 semifinals saw two cancellations. Luckily, neither of them affect my games this week. But it did make things interesting.

To start, was one of two consolation games that were taking place mid-week. I went to a baseball game in Akron on Tuesday with my daughter instead of making the trek back to New York. However, Wednesday I was heading to Alden for the Chuck Funke Bowl between Akron and Lackawanna. Continue reading “2020 Week S10 (New York)”

2020 Week S9 (New York)

2020 Week S9 (New York)

So, Week S9 went as planned. One of the first weekends where there wasn’t a single surprise. The only big question was which Friday game to cover. Traveling with my friend to cover the games, we compromised on our Friday and Saturday night games in New York.

The two SectioN Vi options on Saturday were Dunkirk hosting Maritime/Health Sciences and Wilson hosting Akron. Despite the drive, the Wilson game looked just a bit better for a matchup. Despite the 2 hour drive from Sherman and the tight winder to get there. So, for Friday, we went with the repeat pick. Salamnca was hosting Randolph at Veterans Memorial Park. Continue reading “2020 Week S9 (New York)”